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Find out more about the types of applications our readymix concrete can be used in.
Help us to identify the exact product you require. From the list below click on the job you are doing and we will recommend the most suitable product for your application.
A Little Bit of History …
Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world and with a 9000-year history it has played a major part in shaping modern civilization. The Romans were particularly adept at using concrete but it was also known to the Egyptians and in a primitive form to Neolithic civilisations.

The main difference between the concrete found in these classical civilisations and modern ready mixed concrete is the binding agent. The Egyptians used crushed gypsum, the Romans knew how to make lime by burning crushed limestone and they even discovered that adding volcanic ash or old bricks and tiles improved the setting characteristics of their cement.

Modern concrete was developed after the discovery of Portland cement. First patented in 1824 but not developed in its present form until 1845 when higher kiln temperatures were achieved, Portland cement made new forms of construction possible.
Despite these advances attempts to supply the building trade with ready mixed concrete on-site foundered until the late 1920's when delivery trucks were fitted with a drum that agitated the concrete while on the move. In the UK, the first Readymix operation was set up in 1930 and by the 1960's a successful national network of concrete plants was firmly established.

Today, Readymix concrete comprises a mix of aggregates, cement, water and a variety of admixtures. Understanding these individual ingredients in a little more detail provides an insight into ways of obtaining the best results for different types of project.
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
Componentes Of Concrete
Find out more about the materiales used in mixing concrete
Concrete For Livestock Housing

Readymix StockFloor
Readymix Stockfloor is a durable, hard wearing concrete designed to satisfy the standards of hygiene in agricultural livestock housing including the Food Safety Act and Quality Assurance schemes and makes selection of the appropriate product simple, yet effective.

Where to use it
  • Livestock housing and passages
  • Bedded yards
  • Cubicles and livestock handling systems
  • Stables
  • Silage clamps

Reinforced Concrete Foundation

  • Easily placed and economical.
  • Meets or exceeds the relevant British and European Standards.
  • Meets NHBC and Local Authority requirements.
  • Can be specified to meet aggressive ground conditions.
  • Enhanced workability.
  • Reinforced concrete suitable for various applications.
  • Ready to take brick or blockwork after 24 hours.

Reinforced Concrete Foundation

  • Easily placed and economical.
  • Meets or exceeds the relevant British and European Standards.
  • Meets NHBC and Local Authority requirements.
  • Can be specified to meet aggressive ground conditions.
  • Enhanced workability.
  • Reinforced concrete suitable for various applications.
  • Ready to take brick or blockwork after 24 hours.
Residential / Commercial
A versatile, economical and durable concrete
A versatile, economical and durable concrete
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A range of concrete solutions tailored for both domestic and commercial paving.
A range of concrete solutions tailored for both domestic and commercial paving.
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Floors & Bases
The slump test is used to measure the workability and assess the consistency of fresh concrete.
Floors & Bases
The slump test is used to measure the workability and assess the consistency of fresh concrete.
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Topping Slab
Implement a correct overlay that will help provide a level surface.
Topping Slab
Implement a correct overlay that will help provide a level surface.
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Residential / Commercial
A versatile, economical and durable concrete
A versatile, economical and durable concrete
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A range of concrete solutions tailored for both domestic and commercial paving.
A range of concrete solutions tailored for both domestic and commercial paving.
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Floors & Bases
The slump test is used to measure the workability and assess the consistency of fresh concrete.
Floors & Bases
The slump test is used to measure the workability and assess the consistency of fresh concrete.
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Topping Slab
Implement a correct overlay that will help provide a level surface.
Topping Slab
Implement a correct overlay that will help provide a level surface.
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Welcome To CEMEX Minimix Concrete Service
We pride ourselves in giving you 'big service' coupled with high quality products and solutions that you can rely on.
No job is too small for mini mix with our fleet of small trucks we can provide solutions and flexibility to meet all your needs. Our MINIMIX concrete delivery service operates in 6 geographical areas - including West Midlands, South Wales, Yorkshire, Manchester, Liverpool & Merseyside and Worcester & Gloucestershire.
Excellent customer service is our priority and we always aim to provide you with a first rate supply and delivery of quality concrete.

Please feel free to contact our experienced friendly team who are here to help provide you with the best solution for your project.
Customer Reviews
John Doe
Construction Manager
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit am, adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis.“
John Doe
Construction Manager
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit am, adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis.“
John Doe
Construction Manager
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit am, adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis.“
John Doe
Construction Manager
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit am, adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis.“
Readymix Concrete
We can offer readymix concrete for a variety of applications, including DIY, commercial, industrial and agricultural projects.
Minimix Concrete
No job is too small for mini mix with our fleet of small trucks we can provide solutions and flexibility to meet all your needs.
Screed Products
Traditional sand & cement and self levelling, flowing screeds can be offered for a wide variety of flooring projects & jobs.
How Much Concrete do you Need?
NOTE: The calculated volume is suggested and independent of the on-site accuracy of the item to be supplied.
Any Questions? Contact us!
Send us a message in our Chat or give us a call at 713 332 4070
Monday to Friday: 7:00am - 17:30pm | Saturday: 7:00am - 12:00pm

Terms and Conditions

Before you finish the sign up process, please read and accept the Terms and Conditions.

1. Terms and Conditions.

These Standard Terms and Conditions apply to all the affiliates ("Seller"), Buyer’s Credit Application, and Seller’s Quotation, if any, (collectively, "Agreement") govern any and all purchases made by Buyer from Seller and are incorporated herein by reference. This Agreement, and any other documents prepared by Seller for Buyer in connection with Buyer’s purchase of materials contain the entire understanding between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof, and there are no other agreements or understandings except as set forth herein. Any different or additional terms or conditions contained in any writing or instrument of Buyer, whether by purchase order or otherwise, are hereby objected to by Seller and shall have no effect on, and not become part of, this Agreement.

2. Technical Assistance.

In no event shall Seller bear any responsibility for claims arising from technical advice or assistance provided to Buyer. Advice by Seller is for Buyers guidance only and Buyer agrees to rely solely on its own architects, engineers or other technical experts.

3. Prices and Price Increases.

Prices for the materials are (i) subject to material availability at the time of delivery; (ii) shall remain firm until the date set forth on the Seller’s Quotation, if any, or if no such date is given, for a period of thirty (30) days after the date the order was accepted by Seller, the price was quoted by Seller or such shorter period as set forth in the Seller’s quote; thereafter prices are subject to change by Seller; and (iii) do not include Saturday, Sunday holiday, off-hour or overtime shipments, all of which are subject to additional charges. Prices are applicable only to the job quoted or orders accepted by Seller and are available only to the specific Buyer referred to therein, are for a standard mix design, if applicable, and are only for the quantities requested by Buyer at the time the prices were quoted. Seller reserves the right to (i) increase prices on any quote or accepted orders without notice to reflect any raw material cost increases or surcharges incurred by Seller and (ii) defer or cancel any quote or accepted orders in the event Seller becomes delayed or prevented from performing due to shortages or allocation of raw materials. In the event of a delay or cancellation resulting from shortages or allocations of raw materials, Seller shall not be liable to Buyer for any damages incurred by Buyer as a result of any such delay or cancellation.

4. Surcharges and Fees.

Prices quoted may not include additional charges Buyer may be responsible for. Such additional charges include, but are not limited to, charges for additives, accelerators, winterizers/summerset, water (hot or chilled), ice and stand-by, waiting time and delivery charges due to loads in amounts less than a full truckload. Such prices shall be charged at the rate of Seller’s then-current price list for additional charges, which is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by reference as if fully set forth herein and which is available to Buyer upon request. Buyer acknowledges that surcharges and fees are to recoup Seller’s costs and achieve a return on investment.

5. Tests.

Seller reserves the right to levy an additional charge on Buyer for any nonstandard tests that Buyer may require to be performed on the materials sold to Buyer. Failure of Buyer to witness any tests shall be deemed a waiver by Buyer of its right to do so and of any right to require repetition of such tests, and Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted any such test results as sufficient to meet its specifications.

6. Payment and Interest.

Buyer shall make all payments due hereunder in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and as stated on Seller’s invoices or other notices of terms, without any right of setoff or retention and without regard to any agreement Buyer may have with other parties. If Buyer fails to pay in full the invoice amount when due, Buyer agrees to pay interest on the unpaid balance from the date when due until paid in full at the rate selected by Seller, not to exceed the lesser of 18% per annum or the highest lawful rate, specifically including post judgment. Buyer agrees to pay any and all costs and expenses incurred by Seller in collecting from Buyer any past due amounts, including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees, court costs and collection agency fees. Seller may suspend pending deliveries during any period when Buyer has overdue balances or evidence of a changed financial condition.

7. Liens.

Buyer agrees to timely provide in writing to Seller information regarding bonding companies, general contractors or owners for the purpose of filing preliminary notices and claims on payment bonds or mechanic’s and material supplier’s liens.

8. Delivery.

Seller’s responsibility for delivery shall cease FOB shipping point or, if Seller agrees to deliver FOB delivery site, at the curbside or frontage of the address for delivery. Where delivery of products is to an unattended site, Seller will not be liable for any loss or damage to products, property or for unsigned delivery tickets. In absence of a specific delivery date on the Quotation, Seller will commence delivery of the materials on a date and at a rate mutually agreed upon by both Seller and Buyer.

9. Default

If Buyer is in default under this Agreement or any of its contracts or obligations with Seller, Seller may at its option and without notice: (i) declare the entire unpaid balance owed by Buyer due and payable; (ii) postpone further deliveries until such default is remedied; (iii) terminate any and all obligations under any contract; and (iv) refuse further performance without any liability to Buyer.

10. Limited Warranty and Liability Disclaimer.

Seller warrants that the materials sold under this Agreement meet solely the description and specifications for the same set forth in the applicable Quotation, if any, and shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery thereof. No other express warranties are made with respect to said materials. Acceptance by Buyer of the materials shall constitute confirmation by Buyer that the materials meet the description and specifications, if any, set forth in such applicable Quotation. The foregoing warranty is subject to standard manufacturing and color variations, efflorescence, tolerances and classifications or naturally occurring substances. Seller is not responsible for installation or defective conditions caused by installation. Buyer’s exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be to require Seller, at Seller’s option, to refund the purchase price for the materials failing to comply, to repair or to provide Buyer with conforming replacements for any nonconforming materials. Seller shall not be responsible for any removal or installation costs. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WRITTEN OR ORAL WARRANTIES OR CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BY LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR HABITABILITY. Buyer agrees that in specific consideration for receiving this warranty, it will indemnify and hold harmless Seller from any and all damages in connection with any statutory, contractual or warranty breach, negligence, strict liability, or other tortuous conduct by Seller. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except by a writing signed by both parties.

11. Delays.

If Seller is unable to complete delivery of any part of an order, Buyer shall accept such part of the order as Seller is able to deliver and Buyer shall pay for the part delivered pro rata at the same rate as the whole of the order agreed to be sold and on the same terms of payment. In the event Seller shall be delayed in or prevented from the performance of any act required under this Agreement, or it shall become commercially unreasonable to perform by reason of governmental allocations, priorities, restrictions or regulations now or hereafter in effect, storm, flood, fire, earthquake or other Acts of God, war, terrorism, riot, insurrection or other civil disturbance, strikes, lockouts, shortages of materials, labor, raw materials, fuel, power or production facilities, breakdown of equipment, transportation shortages, changes in market conditions or other contingencies beyond Seller’s reasonable control whether of a similar or dissimilar nature to the foregoing, Seller shall not be liable to Buyer for any damages incurred by Buyer as a result of any such delay or failure.

12. Claims.

Buyer agrees that all claims against Seller are waived unless presented to Seller in writing within one week from the date of delivery of the materials. Seller shall have thirty days from receipt to inspect and correct a defect if such claim is allowed. Buyer further agrees that in the event that Buyer disagrees with Seller’s decision about whether to allow the claim that the Buyer’s remedy is to formally adjudicate the claim, but the Buyer further agrees that Seller’s invoices for all materials supplied shall be paid in the interim. No claim shall be allowed after the materials purchased hereunder are incorporated, modified or processed by Buyer in any manner. SELLER’S LIABILITY ON ANY CLAIM FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE MATERIALS ACTUALLY RECEIVED FROM BUYER BY SELLER WITH REGARD TO WHICH SUCH CLAIM FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE IS MADE.

13. Waiver.

Seller may, at its option, permit Buyer to remedy any default under this Agreement without waiving the default so remedied or any other default by Buyer. Buyer waives notice of default of this Agreement and waives presentment, demand, protest, and notice of dishonor as to any instrument issued or delivered to Seller.

14. Venue.

This Agreement will be governed by the applicable state and federal laws without giving effect to conflict of laws principles. The Buyer agrees that any legal actions and proceedings brought for the breach or the enforcement of this Agreement will lie in the state and county in this state of delivery. Buyer consents and submits to the jurisdiction and venue of any state, county or federal court located within that county. As a material inducement to Seller to enter into this Agreement, Buyer waives the right to trial by jury in any proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement.

15. Notice.

Any notice sent to Seller shall be in writing and sent by Certified Mail, postage prepaid, to the 10100 Katy Freeway, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77043, Attn: CEMEX Customer Care.

16. Severability

If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated. The parties agree that each term and provision of this Agreement shall be construed according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any Party.

17. Offset and/or Setoff.

Seller may exercise the right of set-off under this Agreement as to any sums owed by Buyer and/or its affiliates under any other contract or agreement with Seller and/or its affiliates.

18. Remedies Cumulative

The duties and obligations imposed by this Agreement and the rights and remedies available under this Agreement are to be in addition to, and not a limitation of rights and remedies at law or in equity.

19. Miscellaneous.

Time is of the essence. Buyer consents to Seller sending information to Buyer regarding Seller’s products and prices at any time by fax to any fax number provided by Buyer, other electronic means or otherwise. A facsimile copy or electronic transmission will be treated as an original. Buyer shall not assign the Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of Seller, and any attempted assignment, whether by operation of law or otherwise, shall be void without such prior written consent.

20. Authorization for Credit Review

Buyer consents to Seller’s use of a non-business consumer credit report on the Buyer in order to further evaluate the credit worthiness of the Buyer in connection with the extension of business credit as contemplated hereby. Buyer authorizes Seller to utilize a consumer credit report from time to time in connection with the extension or continuation of business credit. Buyer hereby knowingly consents to the use of such credit report consistent with the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act as contained in 15 USC @ 1681 et seq.

21. Representations.

Buyer represents to Seller that it is solvent and that any financial information provided reflects the present financial condition of the Buyer. If Buyer is not a corporation or limited liability entity, Buyer acknowledges that Seller is relying on the credit worthiness and financial ability of the owner(s) of Buyer. Each owner shall be joint and severally liable for all indebtedness of Buyer to Seller under the Agreement. Buyer warrants that all information supplied to Seller is accurate and complete. Each representation and the information contained in a Credit Application, if any, is material and given to induce Seller to provide credit. Buyer will notify Seller by certified mail, within forty-eight (48) hours after any material change in Buyer’s financial or ownership status.


Terms and Conditions

Before continuing with your purchase, please read and accept the Terms and Conditions.

1. Terms and Conditions.

These Standard Terms and Conditions apply to all the affiliates ("Seller"), Buyer’s Credit Application, and Seller’s Quotation, if any, (collectively, "Agreement") govern any and all purchases made by Buyer from Seller and are incorporated herein by reference. This Agreement, and any other documents prepared by Seller for Buyer in connection with Buyer’s purchase of materials contain the entire understanding between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof, and there are no other agreements or understandings except as set forth herein. Any different or additional terms or conditions contained in any writing or instrument of Buyer, whether by purchase order or otherwise, are hereby objected to by Seller and shall have no effect on, and not become part of, this Agreement.

2. Technical Assistance.

In no event shall Seller bear any responsibility for claims arising from technical advice or assistance provided to Buyer. Advice by Seller is for Buyers guidance only and Buyer agrees to rely solely on its own architects, engineers or other technical experts.

3. Prices and Price Increases.

Prices for the materials are (i) subject to material availability at the time of delivery; (ii) shall remain firm until the date set forth on the Seller’s Quotation, if any, or if no such date is given, for a period of thirty (30) days after the date the order was accepted by Seller, the price was quoted by Seller or such shorter period as set forth in the Seller’s quote; thereafter prices are subject to change by Seller; and (iii) do not include Saturday, Sunday holiday, off-hour or overtime shipments, all of which are subject to additional charges. Prices are applicable only to the job quoted or orders accepted by Seller and are available only to the specific Buyer referred to therein, are for a standard mix design, if applicable, and are only for the quantities requested by Buyer at the time the prices were quoted. Seller reserves the right to (i) increase prices on any quote or accepted orders without notice to reflect any raw material cost increases or surcharges incurred by Seller and (ii) defer or cancel any quote or accepted orders in the event Seller becomes delayed or prevented from performing due to shortages or allocation of raw materials. In the event of a delay or cancellation resulting from shortages or allocations of raw materials, Seller shall not be liable to Buyer for any damages incurred by Buyer as a result of any such delay or cancellation.

4. Surcharges and Fees.

Prices quoted may not include additional charges Buyer may be responsible for. Such additional charges include, but are not limited to, charges for additives, accelerators, winterizers/summerset, water (hot or chilled), ice and stand-by, waiting time and delivery charges due to loads in amounts less than a full truckload. Such prices shall be charged at the rate of Seller’s then-current price list for additional charges, which is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by reference as if fully set forth herein and which is available to Buyer upon request. Buyer acknowledges that surcharges and fees are to recoup Seller’s costs and achieve a return on investment.

5. Tests.

Seller reserves the right to levy an additional charge on Buyer for any nonstandard tests that Buyer may require to be performed on the materials sold to Buyer. Failure of Buyer to witness any tests shall be deemed a waiver by Buyer of its right to do so and of any right to require repetition of such tests, and Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted any such test results as sufficient to meet its specifications.

6. Payment and Interest.

Buyer shall make all payments due hereunder in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and as stated on Seller’s invoices or other notices of terms, without any right of setoff or retention and without regard to any agreement Buyer may have with other parties. If Buyer fails to pay in full the invoice amount when due, Buyer agrees to pay interest on the unpaid balance from the date when due until paid in full at the rate selected by Seller, not to exceed the lesser of 18% per annum or the highest lawful rate, specifically including post judgment. Buyer agrees to pay any and all costs and expenses incurred by Seller in collecting from Buyer any past due amounts, including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees, court costs and collection agency fees. Seller may suspend pending deliveries during any period when Buyer has overdue balances or evidence of a changed financial condition.

7. Liens.

Buyer agrees to timely provide in writing to Seller information regarding bonding companies, general contractors or owners for the purpose of filing preliminary notices and claims on payment bonds or mechanic’s and material supplier’s liens.

8. Delivery.

Seller’s responsibility for delivery shall cease FOB shipping point or, if Seller agrees to deliver FOB delivery site, at the curbside or frontage of the address for delivery. Where delivery of products is to an unattended site, Seller will not be liable for any loss or damage to products, property or for unsigned delivery tickets. In absence of a specific delivery date on the Quotation, Seller will commence delivery of the materials on a date and at a rate mutually agreed upon by both Seller and Buyer.

9. Default

If Buyer is in default under this Agreement or any of its contracts or obligations with Seller, Seller may at its option and without notice: (i) declare the entire unpaid balance owed by Buyer due and payable; (ii) postpone further deliveries until such default is remedied; (iii) terminate any and all obligations under any contract; and (iv) refuse further performance without any liability to Buyer.

10. Limited Warranty and Liability Disclaimer.

Seller warrants that the materials sold under this Agreement meet solely the description and specifications for the same set forth in the applicable Quotation, if any, and shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery thereof. No other express warranties are made with respect to said materials. Acceptance by Buyer of the materials shall constitute confirmation by Buyer that the materials meet the description and specifications, if any, set forth in such applicable Quotation. The foregoing warranty is subject to standard manufacturing and color variations, efflorescence, tolerances and classifications or naturally occurring substances. Seller is not responsible for installation or defective conditions caused by installation. Buyer’s exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be to require Seller, at Seller’s option, to refund the purchase price for the materials failing to comply, to repair or to provide Buyer with conforming replacements for any nonconforming materials. Seller shall not be responsible for any removal or installation costs. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WRITTEN OR ORAL WARRANTIES OR CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BY LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR HABITABILITY. Buyer agrees that in specific consideration for receiving this warranty, it will indemnify and hold harmless Seller from any and all damages in connection with any statutory, contractual or warranty breach, negligence, strict liability, or other tortuous conduct by Seller. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except by a writing signed by both parties.

11. Delays.

If Seller is unable to complete delivery of any part of an order, Buyer shall accept such part of the order as Seller is able to deliver and Buyer shall pay for the part delivered pro rata at the same rate as the whole of the order agreed to be sold and on the same terms of payment. In the event Seller shall be delayed in or prevented from the performance of any act required under this Agreement, or it shall become commercially unreasonable to perform by reason of governmental allocations, priorities, restrictions or regulations now or hereafter in effect, storm, flood, fire, earthquake or other Acts of God, war, terrorism, riot, insurrection or other civil disturbance, strikes, lockouts, shortages of materials, labor, raw materials, fuel, power or production facilities, breakdown of equipment, transportation shortages, changes in market conditions or other contingencies beyond Seller’s reasonable control whether of a similar or dissimilar nature to the foregoing, Seller shall not be liable to Buyer for any damages incurred by Buyer as a result of any such delay or failure.

12. Claims.

Buyer agrees that all claims against Seller are waived unless presented to Seller in writing within one week from the date of delivery of the materials. Seller shall have thirty days from receipt to inspect and correct a defect if such claim is allowed. Buyer further agrees that in the event that Buyer disagrees with Seller’s decision about whether to allow the claim that the Buyer’s remedy is to formally adjudicate the claim, but the Buyer further agrees that Seller’s invoices for all materials supplied shall be paid in the interim. No claim shall be allowed after the materials purchased hereunder are incorporated, modified or processed by Buyer in any manner. SELLER’S LIABILITY ON ANY CLAIM FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE MATERIALS ACTUALLY RECEIVED FROM BUYER BY SELLER WITH REGARD TO WHICH SUCH CLAIM FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE IS MADE.

13. Waiver.

Seller may, at its option, permit Buyer to remedy any default under this Agreement without waiving the default so remedied or any other default by Buyer. Buyer waives notice of default of this Agreement and waives presentment, demand, protest, and notice of dishonor as to any instrument issued or delivered to Seller.

14. Venue.

This Agreement will be governed by the applicable state and federal laws without giving effect to conflict of laws principles. The Buyer agrees that any legal actions and proceedings brought for the breach or the enforcement of this Agreement will lie in the state and county in this state of delivery. Buyer consents and submits to the jurisdiction and venue of any state, county or federal court located within that county. As a material inducement to Seller to enter into this Agreement, Buyer waives the right to trial by jury in any proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement.

15. Notice.

Any notice sent to Seller shall be in writing and sent by Certified Mail, postage prepaid, to the 10100 Katy Freeway, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77043, Attn: CEMEX Customer Care.

16. Severability

If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated. The parties agree that each term and provision of this Agreement shall be construed according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any Party.

17. Offset and/or Setoff.

Seller may exercise the right of set-off under this Agreement as to any sums owed by Buyer and/or its affiliates under any other contract or agreement with Seller and/or its affiliates.

18. Remedies Cumulative

The duties and obligations imposed by this Agreement and the rights and remedies available under this Agreement are to be in addition to, and not a limitation of rights and remedies at law or in equity.

19. Miscellaneous.

Time is of the essence. Buyer consents to Seller sending information to Buyer regarding Seller’s products and prices at any time by fax to any fax number provided by Buyer, other electronic means or otherwise. A facsimile copy or electronic transmission will be treated as an original. Buyer shall not assign the Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of Seller, and any attempted assignment, whether by operation of law or otherwise, shall be void without such prior written consent.

20. Authorization for Credit Review

Buyer consents to Seller’s use of a non-business consumer credit report on the Buyer in order to further evaluate the credit worthiness of the Buyer in connection with the extension of business credit as contemplated hereby. Buyer authorizes Seller to utilize a consumer credit report from time to time in connection with the extension or continuation of business credit. Buyer hereby knowingly consents to the use of such credit report consistent with the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act as contained in 15 USC @ 1681 et seq.

21. Representations.

Buyer represents to Seller that it is solvent and that any financial information provided reflects the present financial condition of the Buyer. If Buyer is not a corporation or limited liability entity, Buyer acknowledges that Seller is relying on the credit worthiness and financial ability of the owner(s) of Buyer. Each owner shall be joint and severally liable for all indebtedness of Buyer to Seller under the Agreement. Buyer warrants that all information supplied to Seller is accurate and complete. Each representation and the information contained in a Credit Application, if any, is material and given to induce Seller to provide credit. Buyer will notify Seller by certified mail, within forty-eight (48) hours after any material change in Buyer’s financial or ownership status.

Accept and complete order
Accept and complete order

Terms and Conditions

Before you finish the sign up process, please read and accept the Terms and Conditions.

1. Terms and Conditions.

These Standard Terms and Conditions apply to all the affiliates ("Seller"), Buyer’s Credit Application, and Seller’s Quotation, if any, (collectively, "Agreement") govern any and all purchases made by Buyer from Seller and are incorporated herein by reference. This Agreement, and any other documents prepared by Seller for Buyer in connection with Buyer’s purchase of materials contain the entire understanding between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof, and there are no other agreements or understandings except as set forth herein. Any different or additional terms or conditions contained in any writing or instrument of Buyer, whether by purchase order or otherwise, are hereby objected to by Seller and shall have no effect on, and not become part of, this Agreement.

2. Technical Assistance.

In no event shall Seller bear any responsibility for claims arising from technical advice or assistance provided to Buyer. Advice by Seller is for Buyers guidance only and Buyer agrees to rely solely on its own architects, engineers or other technical experts.

3. Prices and Price Increases.

Prices for the materials are (i) subject to material availability at the time of delivery; (ii) shall remain firm until the date set forth on the Seller’s Quotation, if any, or if no such date is given, for a period of thirty (30) days after the date the order was accepted by Seller, the price was quoted by Seller or such shorter period as set forth in the Seller’s quote; thereafter prices are subject to change by Seller; and (iii) do not include Saturday, Sunday holiday, off-hour or overtime shipments, all of which are subject to additional charges. Prices are applicable only to the job quoted or orders accepted by Seller and are available only to the specific Buyer referred to therein, are for a standard mix design, if applicable, and are only for the quantities requested by Buyer at the time the prices were quoted. Seller reserves the right to (i) increase prices on any quote or accepted orders without notice to reflect any raw material cost increases or surcharges incurred by Seller and (ii) defer or cancel any quote or accepted orders in the event Seller becomes delayed or prevented from performing due to shortages or allocation of raw materials. In the event of a delay or cancellation resulting from shortages or allocations of raw materials, Seller shall not be liable to Buyer for any damages incurred by Buyer as a result of any such delay or cancellation.

4. Surcharges and Fees.

Prices quoted may not include additional charges Buyer may be responsible for. Such additional charges include, but are not limited to, charges for additives, accelerators, winterizers/summerset, water (hot or chilled), ice and stand-by, waiting time and delivery charges due to loads in amounts less than a full truckload. Such prices shall be charged at the rate of Seller’s then-current price list for additional charges, which is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by reference as if fully set forth herein and which is available to Buyer upon request. Buyer acknowledges that surcharges and fees are to recoup Seller’s costs and achieve a return on investment.

5. Tests.

Seller reserves the right to levy an additional charge on Buyer for any nonstandard tests that Buyer may require to be performed on the materials sold to Buyer. Failure of Buyer to witness any tests shall be deemed a waiver by Buyer of its right to do so and of any right to require repetition of such tests, and Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted any such test results as sufficient to meet its specifications.

6. Payment and Interest.

Buyer shall make all payments due hereunder in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and as stated on Seller’s invoices or other notices of terms, without any right of setoff or retention and without regard to any agreement Buyer may have with other parties. If Buyer fails to pay in full the invoice amount when due, Buyer agrees to pay interest on the unpaid balance from the date when due until paid in full at the rate selected by Seller, not to exceed the lesser of 18% per annum or the highest lawful rate, specifically including post judgment. Buyer agrees to pay any and all costs and expenses incurred by Seller in collecting from Buyer any past due amounts, including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees, court costs and collection agency fees. Seller may suspend pending deliveries during any period when Buyer has overdue balances or evidence of a changed financial condition.

7. Liens.

Buyer agrees to timely provide in writing to Seller information regarding bonding companies, general contractors or owners for the purpose of filing preliminary notices and claims on payment bonds or mechanic’s and material supplier’s liens.

8. Delivery.

Seller’s responsibility for delivery shall cease FOB shipping point or, if Seller agrees to deliver FOB delivery site, at the curbside or frontage of the address for delivery. Where delivery of products is to an unattended site, Seller will not be liable for any loss or damage to products, property or for unsigned delivery tickets. In absence of a specific delivery date on the Quotation, Seller will commence delivery of the materials on a date and at a rate mutually agreed upon by both Seller and Buyer.

9. Default

If Buyer is in default under this Agreement or any of its contracts or obligations with Seller, Seller may at its option and without notice: (i) declare the entire unpaid balance owed by Buyer due and payable; (ii) postpone further deliveries until such default is remedied; (iii) terminate any and all obligations under any contract; and (iv) refuse further performance without any liability to Buyer.

10. Limited Warranty and Liability Disclaimer.

Seller warrants that the materials sold under this Agreement meet solely the description and specifications for the same set forth in the applicable Quotation, if any, and shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery thereof. No other express warranties are made with respect to said materials. Acceptance by Buyer of the materials shall constitute confirmation by Buyer that the materials meet the description and specifications, if any, set forth in such applicable Quotation. The foregoing warranty is subject to standard manufacturing and color variations, efflorescence, tolerances and classifications or naturally occurring substances. Seller is not responsible for installation or defective conditions caused by installation. Buyer’s exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be to require Seller, at Seller’s option, to refund the purchase price for the materials failing to comply, to repair or to provide Buyer with conforming replacements for any nonconforming materials. Seller shall not be responsible for any removal or installation costs. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WRITTEN OR ORAL WARRANTIES OR CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BY LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR HABITABILITY. Buyer agrees that in specific consideration for receiving this warranty, it will indemnify and hold harmless Seller from any and all damages in connection with any statutory, contractual or warranty breach, negligence, strict liability, or other tortuous conduct by Seller. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except by a writing signed by both parties.

11. Delays.

If Seller is unable to complete delivery of any part of an order, Buyer shall accept such part of the order as Seller is able to deliver and Buyer shall pay for the part delivered pro rata at the same rate as the whole of the order agreed to be sold and on the same terms of payment. In the event Seller shall be delayed in or prevented from the performance of any act required under this Agreement, or it shall become commercially unreasonable to perform by reason of governmental allocations, priorities, restrictions or regulations now or hereafter in effect, storm, flood, fire, earthquake or other Acts of God, war, terrorism, riot, insurrection or other civil disturbance, strikes, lockouts, shortages of materials, labor, raw materials, fuel, power or production facilities, breakdown of equipment, transportation shortages, changes in market conditions or other contingencies beyond Seller’s reasonable control whether of a similar or dissimilar nature to the foregoing, Seller shall not be liable to Buyer for any damages incurred by Buyer as a result of any such delay or failure.

12. Claims.

Buyer agrees that all claims against Seller are waived unless presented to Seller in writing within one week from the date of delivery of the materials. Seller shall have thirty days from receipt to inspect and correct a defect if such claim is allowed. Buyer further agrees that in the event that Buyer disagrees with Seller’s decision about whether to allow the claim that the Buyer’s remedy is to formally adjudicate the claim, but the Buyer further agrees that Seller’s invoices for all materials supplied shall be paid in the interim. No claim shall be allowed after the materials purchased hereunder are incorporated, modified or processed by Buyer in any manner. SELLER’S LIABILITY ON ANY CLAIM FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE MATERIALS ACTUALLY RECEIVED FROM BUYER BY SELLER WITH REGARD TO WHICH SUCH CLAIM FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE IS MADE.

13. Waiver.

Seller may, at its option, permit Buyer to remedy any default under this Agreement without waiving the default so remedied or any other default by Buyer. Buyer waives notice of default of this Agreement and waives presentment, demand, protest, and notice of dishonor as to any instrument issued or delivered to Seller.

14. Venue.

This Agreement will be governed by the applicable state and federal laws without giving effect to conflict of laws principles. The Buyer agrees that any legal actions and proceedings brought for the breach or the enforcement of this Agreement will lie in the state and county in this state of delivery. Buyer consents and submits to the jurisdiction and venue of any state, county or federal court located within that county. As a material inducement to Seller to enter into this Agreement, Buyer waives the right to trial by jury in any proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement.

15. Notice.

Any notice sent to Seller shall be in writing and sent by Certified Mail, postage prepaid, to the 10100 Katy Freeway, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77043, Attn: CEMEX Customer Care.

16. Severability

If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated. The parties agree that each term and provision of this Agreement shall be construed according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any Party.

17. Offset and/or Setoff.

Seller may exercise the right of set-off under this Agreement as to any sums owed by Buyer and/or its affiliates under any other contract or agreement with Seller and/or its affiliates.

18. Remedies Cumulative

The duties and obligations imposed by this Agreement and the rights and remedies available under this Agreement are to be in addition to, and not a limitation of rights and remedies at law or in equity.

19. Miscellaneous.

Time is of the essence. Buyer consents to Seller sending information to Buyer regarding Seller’s products and prices at any time by fax to any fax number provided by Buyer, other electronic means or otherwise. A facsimile copy or electronic transmission will be treated as an original. Buyer shall not assign the Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of Seller, and any attempted assignment, whether by operation of law or otherwise, shall be void without such prior written consent.

20. Authorization for Credit Review

Buyer consents to Seller’s use of a non-business consumer credit report on the Buyer in order to further evaluate the credit worthiness of the Buyer in connection with the extension of business credit as contemplated hereby. Buyer authorizes Seller to utilize a consumer credit report from time to time in connection with the extension or continuation of business credit. Buyer hereby knowingly consents to the use of such credit report consistent with the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act as contained in 15 USC @ 1681 et seq.

21. Representations.

Buyer represents to Seller that it is solvent and that any financial information provided reflects the present financial condition of the Buyer. If Buyer is not a corporation or limited liability entity, Buyer acknowledges that Seller is relying on the credit worthiness and financial ability of the owner(s) of Buyer. Each owner shall be joint and severally liable for all indebtedness of Buyer to Seller under the Agreement. Buyer warrants that all information supplied to Seller is accurate and complete. Each representation and the information contained in a Credit Application, if any, is material and given to induce Seller to provide credit. Buyer will notify Seller by certified mail, within forty-eight (48) hours after any material change in Buyer’s financial or ownership status.


Terms and Conditions

Before continuing with your login, please read and accept the Terms and Conditions.

1. Terms and Conditions.

These Standard Terms and Conditions apply to all the affiliates ("Seller"), Buyer’s Credit Application, and Seller’s Quotation, if any, (collectively, "Agreement") govern any and all purchases made by Buyer from Seller and are incorporated herein by reference. This Agreement, and any other documents prepared by Seller for Buyer in connection with Buyer’s purchase of materials contain the entire understanding between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof, and there are no other agreements or understandings except as set forth herein. Any different or additional terms or conditions contained in any writing or instrument of Buyer, whether by purchase order or otherwise, are hereby objected to by Seller and shall have no effect on, and not become part of, this Agreement.

2. Technical Assistance.

In no event shall Seller bear any responsibility for claims arising from technical advice or assistance provided to Buyer. Advice by Seller is for Buyers guidance only and Buyer agrees to rely solely on its own architects, engineers or other technical experts.

3. Prices and Price Increases.

Prices for the materials are (i) subject to material availability at the time of delivery; (ii) shall remain firm until the date set forth on the Seller’s Quotation, if any, or if no such date is given, for a period of thirty (30) days after the date the order was accepted by Seller, the price was quoted by Seller or such shorter period as set forth in the Seller’s quote; thereafter prices are subject to change by Seller; and (iii) do not include Saturday, Sunday holiday, off-hour or overtime shipments, all of which are subject to additional charges. Prices are applicable only to the job quoted or orders accepted by Seller and are available only to the specific Buyer referred to therein, are for a standard mix design, if applicable, and are only for the quantities requested by Buyer at the time the prices were quoted. Seller reserves the right to (i) increase prices on any quote or accepted orders without notice to reflect any raw material cost increases or surcharges incurred by Seller and (ii) defer or cancel any quote or accepted orders in the event Seller becomes delayed or prevented from performing due to shortages or allocation of raw materials. In the event of a delay or cancellation resulting from shortages or allocations of raw materials, Seller shall not be liable to Buyer for any damages incurred by Buyer as a result of any such delay or cancellation.

4. Surcharges and Fees.

Prices quoted may not include additional charges Buyer may be responsible for. Such additional charges include, but are not limited to, charges for additives, accelerators, winterizers/summerset, water (hot or chilled), ice and stand-by, waiting time and delivery charges due to loads in amounts less than a full truckload. Such prices shall be charged at the rate of Seller’s then-current price list for additional charges, which is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by reference as if fully set forth herein and which is available to Buyer upon request. Buyer acknowledges that surcharges and fees are to recoup Seller’s costs and achieve a return on investment.

5. Tests.

Seller reserves the right to levy an additional charge on Buyer for any nonstandard tests that Buyer may require to be performed on the materials sold to Buyer. Failure of Buyer to witness any tests shall be deemed a waiver by Buyer of its right to do so and of any right to require repetition of such tests, and Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted any such test results as sufficient to meet its specifications.

6. Payment and Interest.

Buyer shall make all payments due hereunder in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and as stated on Seller’s invoices or other notices of terms, without any right of setoff or retention and without regard to any agreement Buyer may have with other parties. If Buyer fails to pay in full the invoice amount when due, Buyer agrees to pay interest on the unpaid balance from the date when due until paid in full at the rate selected by Seller, not to exceed the lesser of 18% per annum or the highest lawful rate, specifically including post judgment. Buyer agrees to pay any and all costs and expenses incurred by Seller in collecting from Buyer any past due amounts, including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees, court costs and collection agency fees. Seller may suspend pending deliveries during any period when Buyer has overdue balances or evidence of a changed financial condition.

7. Liens.

Buyer agrees to timely provide in writing to Seller information regarding bonding companies, general contractors or owners for the purpose of filing preliminary notices and claims on payment bonds or mechanic’s and material supplier’s liens.

8. Delivery.

Seller’s responsibility for delivery shall cease FOB shipping point or, if Seller agrees to deliver FOB delivery site, at the curbside or frontage of the address for delivery. Where delivery of products is to an unattended site, Seller will not be liable for any loss or damage to products, property or for unsigned delivery tickets. In absence of a specific delivery date on the Quotation, Seller will commence delivery of the materials on a date and at a rate mutually agreed upon by both Seller and Buyer.

9. Default

If Buyer is in default under this Agreement or any of its contracts or obligations with Seller, Seller may at its option and without notice: (i) declare the entire unpaid balance owed by Buyer due and payable; (ii) postpone further deliveries until such default is remedied; (iii) terminate any and all obligations under any contract; and (iv) refuse further performance without any liability to Buyer.

10. Limited Warranty and Liability Disclaimer.

Seller warrants that the materials sold under this Agreement meet solely the description and specifications for the same set forth in the applicable Quotation, if any, and shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery thereof. No other express warranties are made with respect to said materials. Acceptance by Buyer of the materials shall constitute confirmation by Buyer that the materials meet the description and specifications, if any, set forth in such applicable Quotation. The foregoing warranty is subject to standard manufacturing and color variations, efflorescence, tolerances and classifications or naturally occurring substances. Seller is not responsible for installation or defective conditions caused by installation. Buyer’s exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be to require Seller, at Seller’s option, to refund the purchase price for the materials failing to comply, to repair or to provide Buyer with conforming replacements for any nonconforming materials. Seller shall not be responsible for any removal or installation costs. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WRITTEN OR ORAL WARRANTIES OR CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BY LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR HABITABILITY. Buyer agrees that in specific consideration for receiving this warranty, it will indemnify and hold harmless Seller from any and all damages in connection with any statutory, contractual or warranty breach, negligence, strict liability, or other tortuous conduct by Seller. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except by a writing signed by both parties.

11. Delays.

If Seller is unable to complete delivery of any part of an order, Buyer shall accept such part of the order as Seller is able to deliver and Buyer shall pay for the part delivered pro rata at the same rate as the whole of the order agreed to be sold and on the same terms of payment. In the event Seller shall be delayed in or prevented from the performance of any act required under this Agreement, or it shall become commercially unreasonable to perform by reason of governmental allocations, priorities, restrictions or regulations now or hereafter in effect, storm, flood, fire, earthquake or other Acts of God, war, terrorism, riot, insurrection or other civil disturbance, strikes, lockouts, shortages of materials, labor, raw materials, fuel, power or production facilities, breakdown of equipment, transportation shortages, changes in market conditions or other contingencies beyond Seller’s reasonable control whether of a similar or dissimilar nature to the foregoing, Seller shall not be liable to Buyer for any damages incurred by Buyer as a result of any such delay or failure.

12. Claims.

Buyer agrees that all claims against Seller are waived unless presented to Seller in writing within one week from the date of delivery of the materials. Seller shall have thirty days from receipt to inspect and correct a defect if such claim is allowed. Buyer further agrees that in the event that Buyer disagrees with Seller’s decision about whether to allow the claim that the Buyer’s remedy is to formally adjudicate the claim, but the Buyer further agrees that Seller’s invoices for all materials supplied shall be paid in the interim. No claim shall be allowed after the materials purchased hereunder are incorporated, modified or processed by Buyer in any manner. SELLER’S LIABILITY ON ANY CLAIM FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE MATERIALS ACTUALLY RECEIVED FROM BUYER BY SELLER WITH REGARD TO WHICH SUCH CLAIM FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE IS MADE.

13. Waiver.

Seller may, at its option, permit Buyer to remedy any default under this Agreement without waiving the default so remedied or any other default by Buyer. Buyer waives notice of default of this Agreement and waives presentment, demand, protest, and notice of dishonor as to any instrument issued or delivered to Seller.

14. Venue.

This Agreement will be governed by the applicable state and federal laws without giving effect to conflict of laws principles. The Buyer agrees that any legal actions and proceedings brought for the breach or the enforcement of this Agreement will lie in the state and county in this state of delivery. Buyer consents and submits to the jurisdiction and venue of any state, county or federal court located within that county. As a material inducement to Seller to enter into this Agreement, Buyer waives the right to trial by jury in any proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement.

15. Notice.

Any notice sent to Seller shall be in writing and sent by Certified Mail, postage prepaid, to the 10100 Katy Freeway, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77043, Attn: CEMEX Customer Care.

16. Severability

If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated. The parties agree that each term and provision of this Agreement shall be construed according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any Party.

17. Offset and/or Setoff.

Seller may exercise the right of set-off under this Agreement as to any sums owed by Buyer and/or its affiliates under any other contract or agreement with Seller and/or its affiliates.

18. Remedies Cumulative

The duties and obligations imposed by this Agreement and the rights and remedies available under this Agreement are to be in addition to, and not a limitation of rights and remedies at law or in equity.

19. Miscellaneous.

Time is of the essence. Buyer consents to Seller sending information to Buyer regarding Seller’s products and prices at any time by fax to any fax number provided by Buyer, other electronic means or otherwise. A facsimile copy or electronic transmission will be treated as an original. Buyer shall not assign the Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of Seller, and any attempted assignment, whether by operation of law or otherwise, shall be void without such prior written consent.

20. Authorization for Credit Review

Buyer consents to Seller’s use of a non-business consumer credit report on the Buyer in order to further evaluate the credit worthiness of the Buyer in connection with the extension of business credit as contemplated hereby. Buyer authorizes Seller to utilize a consumer credit report from time to time in connection with the extension or continuation of business credit. Buyer hereby knowingly consents to the use of such credit report consistent with the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act as contained in 15 USC @ 1681 et seq.

21. Representations.

Buyer represents to Seller that it is solvent and that any financial information provided reflects the present financial condition of the Buyer. If Buyer is not a corporation or limited liability entity, Buyer acknowledges that Seller is relying on the credit worthiness and financial ability of the owner(s) of Buyer. Each owner shall be joint and severally liable for all indebtedness of Buyer to Seller under the Agreement. Buyer warrants that all information supplied to Seller is accurate and complete. Each representation and the information contained in a Credit Application, if any, is material and given to induce Seller to provide credit. Buyer will notify Seller by certified mail, within forty-eight (48) hours after any material change in Buyer’s financial or ownership status.
